Argonne Virtual Competitions

Argonne Virtual Competitions

Argonne Virtual Competitions

Check out these competitions where you will match your knowledge of science and engineering against one of the most brilliant minds in history, Leonardo Da Vinci!

Check out these competitions where you will match your knowledge of science and engineering against one of the most brilliant minds in history, Leonardo Da Vinci! Are you in 3rd–5th grade? Check out the competition designed just for you where you will explore both science and engineering. Are you in 6th–12th grade? You have TWO competition opportunities to SPARK the inner scientist and IGNITE the inner engineer within you. You can choose to do one or both challenges designed for your grade band. HOWEVER, if you submit to BOTH challenges and we receive your submissions by the November 19th deadline, we will invite you to a special LIVE behind the scenes tour of Argonne National Laboratory and you will have the opportunity to chat with our scientists and engineers! So, have fun, be creative and look forward to discovering the inner scientist and engineer within you!

Activities in this Playlist