Which Planet is the Flattest Challenge
Which Planet is the Flattest Challenge

0 learners earned this badge

Argonne researchers specializing in astronomy, cosmology and astrophysics study space and the universe to answer some of the greatest questions and challenges of all time--the evolution and expansion of the universe and the mysterious dark energy and dark matter. Because their research happens down here on Earth, they need special tools, models, and simulations to do their work. You will be like an Argonne researcher by developing a model to understand the shapes of the planets. The shape of a planet will depend on a number of factors, including how fast it rotates. You will use flexible paper strips assembled around a stick to model how matter changes shape when rotated at different speeds. Follow the procedure to make your model and observe what happens!


Argonne National Laboratory

Evidence: Text

Badge Type: knowledge

Expected Duration: hours


  1. In order to earn this badge, the learner must create a planetary model.
  2. In order to earn this badge, the learner must share their answers to questions from Procedure 2.
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